20 years of preventing and countering extremism

Violence Prevention Network is one of Europe’s leading practitioner hubs working nationally and internationally with over 120 experts. Our common goal is to support first-line practitioners, policy makers and researchers to bring about positive change in local efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism worldwide. By building on our first-hand insights and experiences from daily casework with radicalised offenders and at-risk individuals, we work to empower whole-of-society partnerships, bridge capacity gaps of key actors and provide practitioner input for sustainable policies and practical solutions.

What we do

Violence Prevention Network combines long-standing experience from practice, research and policy support to build transformative approaches in addressing the root causes and challenges of violent extremism and radicalisation. Our goal is to support partners around the world in making their work in prevention, disengagement, deradicalisation, rehabilitation and reintegration more sustainable. By doing so, we put a strong focus on making programmes more effective by also responding to the gendered dynamics of violent extremism and radicalisation.

Learn more about how we work along our three key areas of engagement.

Our work in the U.S.

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Tools and Resources

Violence Prevention Network has pioneered the development of hands-on methods and tools for first-line practitioners working to prevent and tackle violent extremism – building on our experience of working with over thousands of cases of radicalised offenders and at-risk individuals within and outside prisons.

Our Social Diagnostics Toolkit provides unique lessons learned and best practices for practitioners to plan, implement and evaluate multi-stakeholder case processes in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of violent extremism. This toolkit builds on cutting edge research and analysis and thereby also provides ideas on how to account for gender-specific needs in prevention, rehabilitation and reintegration efforts.

Learn more about our toolbox and how it can be of value to your work.